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P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off

AutoHex Online Help: Hyundai i30(GDe) 2013
Component Location
General Description

PCM control Damper clutch perpomence by supplied oil pressue.

Damper clutch is for fuel reduction by decreasing oil pressue component's resistance in T/C.

DTC Description

This code is set when Damper clutch is opened & sticked.

DTC Detecting Condition


Detecting Condition

Possible Cause

DTC Strategy

Rationality [Stuck OFF]

? Torque converter clutch : TCC

TCC or Oil pressure system fault

TCC solenoid fault

Valve bady fault


Enable Conditions

Engine speed is above 400rpm

Completely gaer tightenin

Threshold value

Torque converter slip > 100rpm

Detecting Time

More than 5sec

Fail safe

Damper Clutch "OFF"


Supplied pressure 5.5 kgf/? (Controlled pressure area 0~5.5)

Working temperature : -40?~150?

Internal resistance : 5.1 ± 0.3 O( 25? normal temperature)

Hysteresis : 0.3 kgf/?

Diagnostic Circuit Diagram
Signal Waveform & Data

Fig 1) "D" range 3rd gear

Fig 2) "D" range 4th gear

Fig 3) "D" range 5th gear

Fig 4) "D" range 6th gear

* Working above 3rd speed, but it may be working or not by driving variation at 3rd speed.