The SMARTRA carries out communication with the built-in transponder of the ignition key. This wireless communication runs on RF (Radio frequency of 125 kHz). The SMARTRA is mounted at the ignition lock close to the antenna coil for RF transmission and receiving. The RF signal from the transponder received by the antenna coil is converted into messages for serial communication by the SMARTRA device. And the received messages from the ECM are converted into an RF signal, which is transmitted to the transponder by the antenna. The SMARTRA does not carry out the validity check of transponder or the calculation of encryption algorithm. This device is only an advanced interface, which converts the RF data flow of the transponder into serial communication to ECM and vice versa.
*SMARTRA : SMARt TRansponder Antenna
The ECM sets DTC P1690 if there’s No Response from SMARTRA
Detecting Condition
Possible Cause
DTC Strategy
? Open Circuit in signal harness
? Short Circuit in signal harness
? Faulty SMARTRA
Enable Conditions
Threshold value
? No signal from SMARTRA
Detecting time